Forcing You Back Onto the Grid.


In the United States, we do not own the property we live on, even if it is already paid off.  In essence, we are just renting it from the government.

The government has had, for some time now “Nuisance Abatement Teams”, or law enforcement officers which check to see if building code, fire code, etc are up to date.  They enforce city ordinances like vehicle forfeiture, graffiti protection…

But recently, with the all of the people that wish to live self sustaining life styles, the government has broadened their search for offenders of ordinances.  With several million people living “off the grid” or growing their own food, producing their own electricity, and not having to rely on the government or other companies for all their needs, the law enforcement officers have been ordered to bring these people back to the system.   Most of these people abide by the laws.  The government is citing these people for ridiculous reasons such as “bothering the neighbors” or “code violations”, such as growing food within the city limits… but some of these people live far from the city!   For instance if you grow a food garden, they can cut your garden down or make you get a food safety permit and inspectors from the government come to your property and make sure everything is done “right”.  The definition of right is open to interpretation.  If you are growing organically they could shut you down.  At the best, they have a record of what you grow and how much you grow.  In some areas they are forcing people off their land entirely!!!  There are anti hoarding laws as well. In a time of “emergency” either real or fabricated, the government can take away your food and supplies if you have more than 30 days for each person in a household. The government will then “redistribute” them to ?????   Federal Agents already want lists of Mormon‘s that store food.

The government can also have you detained and sent to a psychiatric facility if they think you are mentally ill..crazy for wanting to grow food that is not processed, laden with sugar and salt, genetically modified or sprayed with who knows what.

FEMA recommends keeping only 3 days worth of essential supplies per person on hand at any time.  According to the Department of Homeland Security, you might be a terrorist if you have 7+ days of food storage per person in your home.  Seven days is not very much.

Ways of monitoring you: Facial recognition software, food “discount” cards, memberships to wholesale stores (sams club, costco, etc.), your mail (remember the government comes to your home 6 days a week), vehicle i.d. tags (rfid and other types), credit/debit cards, your smartphone, the internet, drones, satellites….

Here is one story that is very disturbing:

A Tulsa woman is suing the city’s code enforcement officers after she said they cut down her garden with no cause.

Denise Morrison said she has more than 100 plant varieties in her front and back yards and all of them are edible and have a purpose.

She knows which ones will treat arthritis, which will make your food spicy, which ones keep mosquitoes away and treat bug bites, but she said none of that matter to city inspectors.

Last August, Morrison’s front and back yards were filled with flowers in bloom, lemon, stevia, garlic chives, grapes, strawberries, apple mint, spearmint, peppermint, an apple tree, walnut tree, pecan trees and much more.

“I came back three days later, sat in my driveway, cried and left,” Morrison said.

If you are storing food for emergency or growing your own food garden don’t advertise it.

Independence is frowned upon America.  The want to monitor us all of the time…they made us nearly prisoners…and many didn’t or still don’t know it.  This isn’t freedom we have.  Don’t fool yourself.  Everything we do is guided.  Should you be able to walk to the store at 3 a.m.?  Absolutely!  It might not be the smartest thing in the world because you could be kidnapped, attacked,  hit by a car that didn’t see you or worse harassed and arrested…for ?????

New Identity Generator Tool

One of the great things about the internet, for now, is that we can say what we like and not have our true identity revealed.  Anonymity is a precious thing.  It brings us safety and can allow us to say what we feel (for the most part) without the fear of everyone in our life to find out.

If you have ever considered going under a different name, for safety or whatever purpose, you might consider a random name generator.  This one allows you to choose a random name from the country of your choice.  Feeling a little Icelandic today? No problem..just tell the generator to choose feminine or masculine, the number of given names and the category….

At this site we can give ourselves a business name, a computer job title or pick generate a name for a random product:

We can take it one step further and generate ourselves a nifty job title:

So…here is my new identity…

name: Johanna Sigurdsson

job title: Dynamic Infrastructure Architect

place of employment: Enigma Community Firm

If you don’t want to go through all of those steps, why not just try out

This site will give you a completely new identity, you cannot use the identity illegally, of course, but its still quite fun. You can use it on forums, on certain forms, for use in a fictional story, etc.  This generator will give you a new name, address, phone number, email, username, password, mother’s maiden name, birthday, ssn, blood type, height, weight….the whole shebang.  Please note that the address, telephone number, ssn, credit card number are all fake, so they will not work if you try to use them!

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